Friday, September 4, 2009

new website

I've finally got some stuff I felt worth putting on carbon made, so i've switched and will be putting most of my work over there. I'll still drop by with half done things now & again..

see you there.

**EDIT - link works. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


more to come. .

Friday, July 24, 2009


I've started shooting with my new 50d a lot more now that I don't have access to a negative scanner.. though it's at the top on the wish list! I really like it and am starting to feel more and more comfortable with the settings etc. I stayed brand loyal because I wanted to use my cheap-o 50mm on it, and I love canon. Here's some shots of the new place.. just as we unpack, little things that catch my eye. I really like faucets.

I've completed a few more photos for my brother as well.. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

++ New Work ++

Here's some photos (I wanted to show maj) that I took on Monday. I'm doing some photos for my brother & his lovely budding family,these are the few I've post produced.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Making dumplings - i've returned!

So after a break in the action, I'm back and trying to document (for fun, here) with the macbook some cooking expeditions. Here I'm making dumplings !

The great mix! Spiced with fresh dill, fresh cracked pepper pepper, garlic and sea salt.

Plopping them in with a bit of a splash!

Add some steamed snow peas..

And it's finished ! Yummm nom nom..

Next time, I'll use my digital.. It wasn't charged this time, d'oh!

Until then, adios

Monday, February 16, 2009

It's been a while!

So, here's what I've been working on recently.. more to come, waiting to get some negs done.

I re did the rose shot.. I am really liking shooting like this.




and a grin to finish it off for now.. More soon.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My first commissioned portraits

Here's a portrait of my relatives & their kitty. . haha it's pretty cute. I'm pleased with them, it was a little difficult to get the genuine smiles out because everyone (including myself) was a little nervous.



Tuesday, February 3, 2009



Mike challenged me to try and give this a feel more like the rose. I went for it and I really like it now, it has more character.

Monday, February 2, 2009

another post

I really like this.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday ..

Finished up another shot from the preservations reshoot. More, new work to come..



Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday werk..


Reshoot of the preservation shots.. I like this one so far.

more to come. .

Ho hum Monday..


Another week begins. . and with it comes some new work. . and some more old work.




more to come. .

Peace out.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Operation images; newww

I dug up some more photos from my shoot with my papa at the hospital. I am excited cause I keep rediscovering all these photos I was too busy to shop before. It's great practice and it gets me into the idea of shooting more. . bus strike, you must eeend!!

In the mean time, I have been trying to get something out of my old work, practice fixing skin tones and colour shifts. Here is the first finished one:


Here's another one.. kinda sloppy. I can rework it later, just wanted an idea...


Peace \/m

Monday, January 19, 2009

Copy Cat..

H'okay, so I noticed a few fellow SPAO-ians have taken on the 'photo a day' project.. I think it's really neat and it seems to be really beneficial, even if it's just to sort of analyze and understand your own work, new or old. I think I will try and get into producing more work, and showing more work on here. I start today, with self portraits!

Some self portraits I did at home trying to practice self portraiture. I like them as a contact.

Here's another self portrait I did. I haven't made this public at all yet, but it's from my first appointment with a specialist for my cysts. I had no idea what was wrong, or what was going on with my body. All I knew was in that moment, I was powerless.

Sleepless amanda waits for morning.. heh. Photobooth picture this evening/morning, god lookit those bags.

'Aight, enough personal shit for tonight. I need to shoot myself again (er, photographically k thx!)

Peace & g'night

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Epson Sumissions.. **UPDATED**

Epson definitely snuck up on me!! After Daniel Marchant and Michael suggested I use my ROH pictures, and I agree.. So here's the most recent edits, haven't decided which images I want to submit.






***Here's the updated artist statement that I submitted to Mikey.. fingers crossed!

We all deal with crisis in different ways. I experienced a major crisis as a teen, struggling with a deep depression and severe anxiety issues. I signed myself into the ROH because I was so whacked out on the mix medication and my own thoughts that I did not trust myself.

It has been over two years since I stayed in this room. I experienced some of the hardest nights of my life there, plagued with loneliness and the feeling of being disconnected from everything. Hallucinations and nightmares, anxiety attacks and fights with some of the staff; it was very hard to go back. After 15 minutes I had to stop and leave; I had broken a sweat had become very anxious. Remembering a lot of what had happened, a lot of things I had chosen to forget, I left almost immediately

Processing what happened when I was an inpatient and what happened when I went back was only possible after the dust had settled. I shot and scanned them but didn’t touch them for a few weeks. Until recently, it remained nested in the back of my mind, until I felt enough time had passed and I could go back and deconstruct it.

I find myself taking pictures to do this. Pictures to study, not only to understand myself better but as a way to give the events a place in time. To give it a place in time allows me to distance from it while still studying it; It reminds me that it happened, but it is no longer happening. It becomes a process of healing as well as a gateway to closure.

This is why I figure the majority of my body of work is so personal; I am documenting it, trying to remember it and giving it the acknowledgement it deserves.

Amanda Meehan

Sunday, January 4, 2009

This is what it's about

It took me a until now, really, to start experiencing what I call Adult Christmases. There was a period of being somewhat sad at Christmastime, but now it's become more about the time and people than ever before. It was my first Christmas where I did contract work to pay for gifts. It was also my first Christmas with my man. I met him around Christmas, so that does bring fond memories to the whole season. It was the first Christmas that nothing felt as though it were a chore, but more a grand contribution to the 'experience'.

I snapped a few photos on Christmas, in the Morning.





Mmm, a feast indeed. Croissants were still in the oven!

It was great having the family over for Christmas dinner, and Matt joined us as well. I loved it :)

It feels nice to know that this holiday means more to me than just a few gifts and a lot of stress.. I've changed just a little, and finally shown some gratitude.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, everyone!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Some phun fotographs..

Had a lot of free time this break but only got around to shooting in the past week.. Lots of fun to be had, though. I still need to call the ROH to set up a time to shoot in there again for the Epson Awards.. That or the shoot I'll do with Amanda soon.

I rented lights for some portraits of my aunt & uncle and luckily had some extra time with them to dick around. Scott Ed and Dylan came to my parents place and we had a shoot. I shot dig and film, so here's the digital teaser. . haha

The boys were playing around and made this incredible alien. I was crying with laughter while shooting, we had a lot of fun. . Here is dylan round house kicking the alien.


Here we see Scovey holding the alien's head with that endearing pout. D'awww..


We tried a few model shots as well; I'm tryna get a handle on studio lighting.




I am shooting a new model for me, her name is also Amanda. We grew up going through the same schools and she is a year younger than I am. I found out through a friend that she was diagnosed with lung cancer. It was such a shock to hear that someone my age could be diagnosed with such a serious ailment. I asked her if she would be willing to let me photograph her, and I am going to interview her as well. I plan on recording it while we shoot and perhaps before as well.

I'm totally looking forward to it. . Colour, in studio. I also want to see if I can go to a treatment with her, and if I could shoot there.. it would be very interesting and has potential to be very powerful. She has been very strong and it's inspiring. I really look forward to speaking with her.

So that's all I got right now.. I have some more stuff on film that I need to process; 7 rolls! chyea.
